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help! Is there a non-degradable, non-toxic, flexible gel matrix that may be used intra-arterially temporarily?
hi markba, welcome to the forum.

to help you with your question it would be helpful to understand more about the intended application of the gel matrix.

are you just trying to use the matrix for tissue culture purposes? or is it perhaps intended to form an artery lining? or are you trying to create a stent (i.e. trying to keep the artery open)?

if you are interested in artery linings then perhaps the following article would be a good starting place.

<i>Separation of the arterial wall from blood contact using hydrogel barriers reduces intimal thickening after balloon injury in the rat: The roles of medial and luminal factors in arterial healing</i>

Jennifer L. West* and Jeffrey A. Hubbell†‡;artid=24068

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help! Is there a non-degradable, non-toxic, flexible gel matrix that may be used intra-arterially temporarily? - by Guest - 21-10-2006, 04:36 PM

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